Hi, I'm an Industrial Engineer and work as the continuous improvement manager for www.weavexx.com. We make these big conveyor belts that go on paper machines. The belts form the sheet of paper as it is processed. Anyway, I've dabbled with stocks and have had mixed results and now I'm about to be 30 years old and I've realized if I want to get ahead I've got to do something more than just work for someone else. I put in alot of hours without the rewards for doing so. It's frustrating, because I like what I do, but if I'm not going to advance I've got to do other things to get ahead. I'm a hard worker and optimistic about using the techniques to generate income.
I'm engaged to be married next summer and my goal is to have enough cash flow coming in and learn to do bird dogging online to be able to travel with my wife. She's a medical lab technician and we can travel on her job all over the US. I'm still green with real estate and I'm working on building my power team, finding buyers, and finding sellers. I'd appreciate any insight and encouragement.
Just getting started...Tired
Just getting started...Tired of trying to make money in the stock market. Risking my money and not making anything.