As of April 2014.
Hello all, it’s been a very long time. Just checked and apparently my last post was a little over three years ago. What has happened in those last three years, well I would love to say that real estate has been good to me and I became the next Matt Larson, but sadly that isn’t the case. I was still in school during my hiatus, took off a year then went back. I graduated in total with two Associate degrees in May of 2013. During my time in school, I thought about real estate but lack of motivation prevented me from doing anything RE related.
Just going to school and work-study wasn’t fulfilling for me and I wanted something different so I joined the Air Force. I’ve been in the military since November of 2013 and so far I like it. At the moment I’m doing a 12 month tour in South Korea followed by a 24 month tour in Germany, so I’ll be out the country for a while. My real estate juices are flowing again though so I want to start getting involved. I’m starting from scratch so I have no system set in place, buyers list, motivated sellers, etc. I’m excited and anxious at the same time.
Been perusing the site and I’m interested in REO’s, Notes, Probates. So far, I’m planning on implementing Joe Jurek’s REO guide and Matt Larson’s 25:1 strategy. This will be a hard, long road indeed and I would love for you guys to join me on this journey. If anybody wants to partner with me, feel free to PM me, I have the time(as a result of different time zones) and I’m slowly building the finances.
I will keep you guys updated on my progress.
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