Anyone know of a good site to find comps? I have asked my realtor several times and she gives me 2,000 homes, in which could take weeks. (she is prob on her way out the door any ways) but in the mean time, any other ways than depending on one or two people, the realtors? Any good site, or public info? I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you.
This is true unless you decide to work a FSBO but use your realtor. The FSBO had no intention of paying for a Realtor so most likely you will be paying them. If you decide to use your Realtor on a FSBO you should already account for the cost of their commission in your offer. Most of the time though you will not use the Realtor and the thus the only time commissions are paid are from the seller.
If a Realtor will not give you free comps you should look for another agent. There are hundreds and hundred of agents out there. Worst case scenario: All the agents are charging for comparables and it is impossible for you to get comps from the realtors without paying you can contact a title company or closing agent in your area and they can get you comps. Title companies may have the same MLS as your realtor and may be nicer about giving information.
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