Attn: Anita or anyone who may know...
Suppose I am interested in a property. I talked with the lender and the owner, but I still want a bit more info. (hope to find it at home too, instead of driving around, but I will drive if I have to)
I want to see if there is real equity in the home and how the home was initially purchased, and what the price was. Is there such search, or maybe it's right in front of me, with an online public records, but I guess I will be cheap on the records and not want to pay for them if I don't have to. I don't know if this info. is available and where or if there is no way to get it. I hope this makes sense, it's late. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I can usually find past sales history on the county website...
The lender and the home owner are your best source of informations. They lender is the one who holds the title of the property and the owner knows more about the property more than anyone else. For instance, the owner knows how much he paid for the property when it was first purchase. He knows how much he owns on the mortgage. He knows everything you could possibly want to know about the property.
The only time you have to look up the info on the property when you can't find out anything about the property, like who owns it, how many bedrooms, bathroom, sq ft, etc, etc. Since you asked for that info, i suggest you start looking at county recorder office. If you have the address of the property, take it to the county recorder and ask them to look up the property for you on their database. They should provide you with the information you need to know. Good luck and happy investing!
I have a real estate investor client getting ready to retire and is trying to unload 15 small twn hme type houses 1,2.3. bedroom. WHile looking at this do I get an inspection on all units or is there some other route I can take instead of paying for that many inspections and may not take all units.
Give for past purchase price, I have found some good info there, but Z is not always on the money when they give a house value. Some are too high and some are to low. Hope it helps...Jsn
You hijacked my thread!!! Okay, okay, you're new.