I Have Bad Or No Credit Or Money To Get Started In Real Estate

I Have Bad Or No Credit Or Money To Get Started In Real Estate

I Just Ordered Dean Graziosi's Think A Little Different To A Fortune Real Estate Course And My Biggest Concern Is What If You Have Bad Credit And No Money How Can You Make Money With Your System.What Make's Your Program Better Than Other Real Estate Programs Such As Carleton Sheet's No Down Payment Real Estate Course, Robert Kiyosaki-Choose To Be Rich, John Beck's Real Estate System, John Burley's Progressive Profits,And Many Other Real Estate Programs Out There Today...



I think that you made a good decision to purchase Deans program but no one can make the decision on what works for you....but YOU!

Everything does not work the same for everybody. But good luck in your new venture and just know you have really good support here if you need it.



TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny



I can't say this is true of all of the courses mentioned above, but the book alone is worth much more than its retail price. You may want to checkout Dean's courses and see the pricing on them. I plan on doing that in the next week or so. Like Anita said, congratulations on getting started.

Finders Fee

I just got the book and I want to get started. Since I have no money I should
start with the finders fee. I need all the help and support I can get

What makes us Great?

I am an investor and have been a success coach with Dean's Think a Little Different Course for six years now. I have also coached at one time or another most of those that you have mentioned.
Dean, I like the best. He is the most honest and down to earth teacher. I have met him several times and have been impressed each time. Dean made his millions doing real estate not selling courses. He is doing deals now. In fact I am giving input on one such investment. That is why this is great you have people working with you that do this business.


If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125

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