Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #65 - Are You Smack Dab In Between “Freedom” and a "Life Trap!"

The blog training video this week is profound!

Dean breaks out the markers and flip chart to Introduce you to a concept that you most likely have Never seen before.

He draws an illustration that details the place, where most of you who will be reading these words are in life.

Watch and see where you think you fall on the scale...

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Just joined Success Academy!

colleen's picture

I start the Success Academy tomorrow. OK can I throw up now! I am so nervous but very excited to start on this journey and I know with the DG family and Dean's inspirational video blogs that I will get through it. I think I am with the 4% right now but soon to be at the 1% and living my dream. I know it will be a lot of hard work but I am willing to do whatever it takes to reach my goals!

I also LOVE Deans belt. It took me way back.



Parkergavin0608's picture

Dean you have hit it dead on here and to the top I go!!!!


cbrindamour's picture

This is great information Dean, why don't they teach this stuff in school? Can't wait to hear all of this live at the Edge!

Absolutely Terrific!

mbjoseph's picture

Love this blog! I've been trying for so long to find something to take me upwards on that chart and I think I found it! When I listen to something like this, it just confirms I've made the right decision. Can't wait for the EDGE!

These Blogs Are Awesome

Every single time I watch one of these videos, I get so inspired. I am in that 4% and yes it is a little scary but to me what is even scarier is being in the same place I am today 1 year from now. I see my co-workers everyday complaining but no one is taking steps/ action to change where they are at in their lives. Not me!!! Nothing worth having is ever easy and usually the hardest part is taking that first step out of that comfort zone. Improvise, adapt, and over come. I am a real estate investor and I will not quit until I am in that 1%.I maybe new but I am determined, thank you Dean, you are so right. 1%, here I come!!!

out of the 95%

Hi Dean,this blog is exactly what I needed.I was out of sinc for a while,but now I'm back& more motivated than before.Thanks again.

Thank you for the kick in the pants!

Paramuschick's picture

Thank you Dean for the kick in the pants that I needed. I became part of the Success Academy in November and did a lot in the beginning. Then the holidays came around and I convinced myself that "nothing happens around the holidays" and so I put things on hold till after the holidays were over. Well here it is Feb 26th and I'm STILL not back in the saddle!!! I can tell you in a nutshell what it is..... I'm SCARED! Just what Matt said on the video. Here I am a licensed NJ Real Estate Broker who has been out of the profession for 18 years. I HAD what it took to "talk to people". I'm not shy. But I convinced myself just as Matt did that people won't take me seriously. I'm not a true "investor" yet. I've paralyzed myself into NOT talking to the people that I NEED to be talking to. I even got a call on my toll free line that I neglected because I was so scared to call them back! Your video has given me the kick in the pants that I needed to get back into this again. I got laid off back in June and have NO signs of any new employment so I certainly HAVE the time to do this! I'm getting back into my courses and making this happen.
Anyway, I wanted to thank you for this blog and tell you that I've found a surge of confidence from Matt who also was in shoes when he got started. Thank you Matt for your honesty AND for your tenacity!



still unable to play video blog

I still am unable to play the video blog. Any advice out there would be welcomed.

Love your blogs and inspiration to help all of us

Dean,have just finished reading your book Profit from RealEstate,truly awesome stuff.2009 was a tough year for my wife and i.I believe you are a great person and also an honest one.Right now i've just got my updated credit score.We met with our future mortgage broker,and told him what we want to do.We have a little cash not a whole lot.Do not know if i can get a loan but we are going to do what we need to do to get ahead.There are lots of deals here in vegas ,so i'm going to start bird dogging per my real estate broker.I'M NERVIOUS and excited to stay the course will be hard.Heading to Texas in april to talk with potential investors.If anyone needs info about Vegas i've info.God BLESS YOU ALL AND NEVER GIVE UP HOPE TO FIGHT FOR OUR FREEDOM.

These Blogs Are Awesome

I have looked at this video 3 or 4 times now and I have talked to others about it and I know I am a 4% person and I hope to be a 1% person in the next few years. A little nervous, yes. A lot of motivation, oh yeah!!! Thanks for the fantastic message Dean.


Can't play the video blog?

I have no idea what is wrong, but the first thing that comes to mind is, do you have dial-up?
If you don't have high speed internet service and you're using dial-up service than you're going to have trouble watching videos - period.
I've watched a lot of videos with dial-up service but it takes HOURS for them to download and I finally got sick of it and I got high speed service.


Hello Dean,
Thank you for inspiring me to go forward !!!!
I plan to attend the next conference!
Got to work my way up to it.