Thursday, January 29th, at 9:00pm ET (6:00pm PT lookup time your time zone).
The phone number for the call is 507-726-3300 and the pass code is 88171.
A secondary number for the call is 712-338-8100 with the pass code 88171.
Because of response, the phone lines may be jammed, so if you happen to have
speakers on your computer, you may want to listen online instead of calling in.
Simply turn up your speakers, and with one-click of the mouse you're listening live!
To listen to the call LIVE Online please use the player below.
First, register for the call using the form below, this will get you access to the call in information!
Special Note: We expect the lines to be maxed out so plan on listening online (it's a live broadcast) if you cannot get through.
When the call starts the below player will be streaming live for online access.