March the 3rd will be my 2 year anniversary when I closed my first deal. Thinks Dean Matt Drew and all the other great coaches at the success acamandy. You have not only change Julie and Randy live, But our family to. And yes guys I have been kick around laugh at, Told I was stupid. This couldn,t be done. Almost thrown out of banks because I kelpt going back. And let fear keep me up all hours of the night. But the one thing I did do was kelpt taking action and moving foward. And the one thing i did do was start with nothing. I now have deals in 5 states. And two great partners, With each having their own strength to bring to the team. And with this team the sky is the LIMIT.All that I am saying is if I can do this you can to. Thinks everyone that has been a part in changing a family's life that will go on for decades. No more weekly pay checks. What a strand to break. Dean said it could be done. Guess what i am living proof.
Thanks so much for posting. You are so easy to follow and reading your posts shows me that I can do this thing too.
Hope things are still going well. IT's been kind of crazy here lately. Maybe we can catch up here next month and get together.
Thinks for stopping by. hope thangs are going well for you. Sure is good to here from you again.
Looking forward to hearing from! slow down to breathe lol, just kidding keep turning and burning man!! Gongrats again!
You can never eliminate fear, but you can use your fear and turn it into your strength!!!!
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
-Dr. Martin Luther King
Sounds great! Just let me know when and where. Look forward to getting together.