I have a question hope some one can help I have read over the section regarding comps, and have run numbers on a property im looking at REO that I hope to wholesale on to another investor.
My question is in this scenario when I subtract the 15% froom the actual sale price and rehab cost is the profit my price or the inevstors i.e. $20,000?
For example if the proprty is $163,000 psf is 165 actual sqft is 984 = 164.3
Rehab $30,000
15% $24,450
profit $20,000
Max offer $88,550
How do I factor in my wholesale profit i.ei $10,000 ?
This REO is listed at $155,000 but the acual sale price according to the comps is $163,000 according to the sqft, but the ARV is $185,000
I have a question hope some one can help I have read over the section regarding comps, and have run numbers on a property im looking at REO that I hope to wholesale on to another investor.
My question is in this scenario when I subtract the 15% froom the actual sale price and rehab cost is the profit my price or the inevstors i.e. $20,000?
For example if the proprty is $163,000 psf is 165 actual sqft is 984 = 164.3
Rehab $30,000
15% $24,450
profit $20,000
Max offer $88,550
How do I factor in my wholesale profit i.ei $10,000 ?
This REO is listed at $155,000 but the acual sale price according to the comps is $163,000 according to the sqft, but the ARV is $185,000
or are my numbers off?