i just recieved my FULL TUITION REFUND AS DEAN PROMISED!!!!!!!!!!
after completing 5 deals in one yr dean promised to refund all the money payed for the success academy.
when i first put the $$$$ on my credit card i was scared and could not sleep that night.after making a goal of doing the 5 deals in 1 yr AND meeting dean graziosi i have accomplished one and have my foot in the door for THE LIVE EDGE EVENT 2010 to meet dean!!!!!
i cant tell you how much the academy has helped me accomplish deals and strategies and support and motivation....if you are on the fence about joining i will ask you this question....where can you get all this online courses WITH COACHING AT ANY TIME with a FULL REFUND GARAUNTEE where????? .i can only say that the knowledge is there the only thing missing is the action you must take with the knowledge,guidance,support and motivation the academy gives along with this site.
i was wondering 1 yr ago if i should join and let me tell you I AM SURE GLAD I TOOK THAT FULL REFUND GARAUNTEE CHANCE!!!!
if you dont take life by the horns you have NO ONE to blame but YOU !!!! DO IT YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!!


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Jay I tell you what it's individuals like you why I keep coming back, the realness of everything on this site is unreal. Congratulations continue to tear it up.GOD Bless Edwin


thats great to hear ed NEVER GIVE UP friend and MAKE IT HAPPEN !!!


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Jay, Excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tell me some of the details of your deals. Were they all purchases or lease options or what. I do not remember what the criteria was? In fact until I was your post I had forgotten about this we have currently have done 4 purchases, and 2 lease options and our first flip is scheduled to close 5/17/10. What should I do next?
Could you point me in the right direction
and WAY TO GO!!! No one told us it wasn't hard work.

Great Job


"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."

Great Job

You took ACTION and became successful. Nice job.


"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.”
Napoleon Hill quote


See it can work for anybody if you just take action and use the tools given you. Dean's Coaches and staff are unbeatable and the material is even better.



Yay Jay!!!

You set your sights on this goal and you DID IT!!!! How fabulous is this real estate business with Dean, the coaches and this site by your side!!!! I am just so happy and inspired by your persistence my friend. Enjoy Smiling

Programs (mentors)

Today i have purchased a program to Deans Acadamy.
On a new debit card i recieved days ago.
Im kinda nervous right now and i dont know what to expect
I hope this will all pay off.
First five deals will pay the tuition as an incentive with one year warranty.

oops !!

i cant believe i didnt respond to all on this post .I think i was overwhelmed back in april getting excited for the edge that i never responded to this.

donna: thank you and way to go on your deals!!! i love lease options .i have a line of credit to use but just feel great holding on to it for something that comes up with a great profit.leAse options are only a matter of finding someone selling for a price and then finding someone who will pay just a bit more and that bit more is all up to you in how much profit u want ???/ great job and i am sure u will try many different strategies and settle on the one u really like with the most profit or enjoyable one!!


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build assets,randy

right on build assets,action is what get results and the more action you take the more results u will see....just ask randy,matt,rina,and many other students that are taking MASSIVE action now !!
randy true dean and his staff,students,academy and this site is second to none.we want to see everyone and anyone succeed !! dean has created this site to help MASSIVE amounts of people see their dreams if they are willing and determined to do what it takes to succeed !!

laura: to answer your ? dean,this site and all the dgers are AWESOME,AWESOME,AWESOME !!!!! and i mean that.someone please tell me of ANY other site that that compares to this?? thanks laura for all your support and for inspiring others to make their dream come true!!


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I've joined


I took that next step in life, and joined the success academy!! My gosh, that day when I had to pay for it on my credit card, I could not sleep as well. My first meeting is tomorrow. I'm really excited. I feel like I gotta tell someone. I didn't even tell my parents because I know they would freak out. Soon, I will prove to myself and them that I can do this.

Great Job

Hi Jay,
I'm in the academy now and I had four deals fall thou but I glad to see and read that my day is coming thank Jay for your blog. Because I was getting down thank again



May each day get better


I joined DG late last year, have bought all the books, the DVDs, the Edge Home Study Course, the Empowering Conversations, as well as getting the COA toll free number and the Automated Probate Finder and the Automated Forclosure Finder. I just devoured everything I could get my hands on. I read and studied until the knowledge gave me the confidence to feel I was at least on a level playing field with the real estate people. I interviewed and tied out one, and then another.

I didn't post much on the DG site because even though I was taking action, doing all the 'home work', etc., there still wasn't much to report. After making the first 20 offers, I had two that elicited responses of we want more money and that was that. So, I decided to try something different and made another 42 offers with no positive results. I couldn't figure out why. I could have just figured that this doesn't work, or it just doesn't work for me; but there are too many success stories from too many people for me to throw in the towel.

I made another offer on a home in a good neighborhood through my RE agent. I had been through this home and decided I would try to rehab and flip if I could get it for the right price (just like I figured for all of the prior ones). The home had good "bones" and a good roof. It was about $150K home, and I figured I could sell it for $145K if I fixed it up nice. The home was a foreclosure and was listed for $109,900. I figured it'd need about $20K - $25K worth of repair so I told my agent to offer $90K. He called me the next morning to tell me the offer was turned down. I asked why, and he said it'd been taken to auction.

I had just read on the DG site where someone was talking about how the auctions didn't really work out very well and I was skeptical, but I told my agent to find out who the aution house was, where it was selling, and when. I did my homework and found out what their pre-requisites were and made sure I had everything. I had decided to use my line of credit and my credit cards if I could and since I had made friends with the small business loan officer, I was able to get a letter saying I had funds available up to $100K. I figured that I could at least get cards from the buyers and pass out mine if nothing else happened.

I went there early, talked with the auctioneers, found how it worked, watched a few homes sell before the one I wanted came up for bid. There were about 5 or 6 bidders at first and when the bidding started slowing down, the dollar increments also came down, and just as the guy raised the gavel, I raised my card and pushed up the bid by $1000. Now it was just one other buyer and myself. We went back and forth a couple of times and the next thing I heard was "Sold", to me!!! For $78K. I had to add 5% auctioneer's fee ($3900), but that still only made the house $81,900; over $8100 cheaper than my offer!

I still had to wait because the seller had the 5 days to either accept, counter, or accept the bid. They accepted the next morning and I closed in a couple of weeks. I got started on the rehab right away.

Cleaned up the yard, fixed some siding, painted the exterior, and planted some new shrubs and flowers. During the meantime, I rehabbed the kitchen and three bathrooms, all new granite countertops, installed new carpet, and repainted the whole interior. Added new light fixtures, new toilets and faucets. The house was now bright and airy.

My agent put out an Open House sign on a Friday (Memorial Day weekend)for Sunday afternoon. The house was listed for $159,900 and was worth every penny. I received an offer for $142K, I countered with $155K, and when they countered again, I tolk the agent to say we'd split the difference at $152,500 and they accepted. I signed the contract on Monday. I know this was a God thing. He blessed me with a good house, I used my $20K and the $8K from the auction and fixed up the house nicely, and the people who bought the house got basically a new home!!! Win, win, win. That's the way to go. So, now I'm looking for the next one. By the way, I made over $30K on that one, and I was able to pay off everything and everyone and we are now debt free!!!

Please forgive the length of this. I know it was long, but the deal was a long time coming. Perseverence. Amen.


EHCO Encouragement, Help, Confidence, Opportunities - DO IT!!!!


congratulations!!!!!!! on joining the academy!! you have made a wise decision!! i can feel the excitement in your post,dont let anyone stop you now!! great to hear you took the risk to make your financial future better.IT IS WHAT YOU put into it that will determine your outcome!! you have the path now and action is what it takes to propell you forward!! most people never take that step and they only dream of what you have just done.if there is a will there is a way and deans program IS THE WAY !!!

great job !!!


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Share the Energy

Congrats! Thanks for sharing the enthusiaum and energy.. We all need a boost sometimes.. It is really reassuring to acknowledge others with similar hopes and desires they were willing to take action on and come to a happy outcome..


hey angie,this site is always a pick me up !! i believe your day started when you joined the academy and every day will only get better for you!!! you took the leap to join and have already done 4 deals!!!!! thats great ! do you think you would have done that if you had not joined ?? just curious? but yessss your day is coming to get your 5 deals and it is only a matter of time!!keep it up....your next deal is just around the corner.It is amazing when you are in the game ,many opportunities seem to just pop out of nowhere!!!



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Earl, Awesome deal! Did you


Awesome deal! Did you have your own money to fund the deal? Who did the rehab? Congratulations!



"He who is mighty has done great things for me...He has...exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things..." Matt. 1:49-53

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