Sometimes You Don't Really Know Who Your Buyers Are

Sometimes You Don't Really Know Who Your Buyers Are

I have a buyer that I recently added to my buyers list. I learned from talking to him that he owns his own construction company locally and he is looking to invest his money where the profits are, and he said he knows that the time is right for buy and holds so I put him in touch with my partner to go over some properties he might be interested in. Next thing I know my partner is calling me to ask if I know who I happened to pick up. I said I knew he was a big time buyer because of how well his company had done last year, but my partner told me aside from owning his construction company, he is a hedgefund manager for the teachers pension funds. Needless to say he has a lot of money that needs to be invested. Imagine my suprise.



Sounds like a good catch,overdeliver and do all you can to fill their need.find EXACTLY what they are looking for and get back to them PROMPTLY.If tou dont find anything in a few days,call,email or text that you are still looking for THEM.
Good luck with this buyer,hope you have a profitable business relationship with them!!


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Nice surprise !!

Now that's the kind of buyers you want .

Nice find. Good work.

Randy Sherman
Elkton Maryland

I always answer promptly to my buyers

I put him in touch with my partner and they had a conference call with some of the investors and went over some available properties and what it was he was looking to do.
He told my partner he liked me and I always answered him quickly.
That was pretty cool.
Then one of my partners investors Joe, that is local said we should partner up on a few things with his company.
He is looking for a JV partner to bring in 2M or more to add to his 2M he has for purchasing properties at the tax sale coming up. His plans are to buy fix and rent out, then sell in 3-4 years, so they have some income now, and lots later. He is willing to do a 50/50 split with the JV.

Way to go!

It sounds like a win win situation!

Nice connection...

Looks like you hit somewhat of a "gold bar" with this guy and I'm sure in time with the right stratigies and communication on investment properties you'll stand to make a fair amount with this new partner. I've known a few hedgefund managers that have done well for themself, if only they knew about more DG members... Smiling
I'm at the point now where I've been scouting for investment partners to get things moving in the right direction, I'm glad to hear you found someone solid like this.


John 14:6

Way to find them!

So nice when that little extra "bonus" falls in your lap, in this case, your potential buyer. Not a coincidence. Just you out there working hard, and expecting a "yes"....that law of attraction just works itself out sometimes. Great blessings! Awesome! All the best to your success!!!


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First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning: