Blindfolded, Without a Parachute and On Fire (Izzy's RE Diary)

Blindfolded, Without a Parachute and On Fire (Izzy's RE Diary)

It's like walking on air...or so I presume.

I intend to know for certain.

Flashback to Costa Mesa, California summer of 2008. My son and I are in town to see the Groovaloos' stage show. Unforgetable performance. The scene fades to a seedy Mariott, night owl status, an infomercial that promised to change everything...if I took action.

I got "Be a Real Estate Millionaire" shortly thereafter, then I picked up and devoured "Profit From Real Estate Right Now" about a year later.

At some point in between, I walked out on a high-paying, secure, yet torturous career to pursue Real Estate Investing fulltime. I had a little cash saved up, paid my rent and bills a few months in advance--in anticipation of semi-smooth transition. Brazen, I know, I get like that sometimes...I hit my first bump then I froze.

Leaping before looking + Fear of failing + fear of succeeding + paralysis by analysis x 1 very ill-informed decision = me at my absolute worst.

Several hundred ramen noodle packages later...

I find myself without a job, without personal transportation, out of money with terrible credit, living in a location that is brutally hot this time of year and having no alternative but to shack up with family members who say they believe in what I am trying to do, but are otherwise unsupportive.

At one point I was fully determined to make this happen, but now energy and confidence come and go. I am tired of not living the life I want to live. My back is against the wall and I really have nothing left to lose.

We have a tendency to put on some "Rocky" music and then romanticize scenarios like this...but there's nothing glorious about falling, unless you rise.

Through some cosmic/divine/lucky happenstance, I find myself face to face with everything I've always wanted in life...I've got faith again, I've got measurable goals, I've got access to the tools, I've got access to the techniques, I've got access to a robust community of like-minded and highly motivated people, and I've got no more excuses. (I've always had these, I'm just now accepting them)

I am currently at rock bottom (emotionally and financially). I am scared half to death of making another costly mistake (not to mention the ridicule from all my "fans"), but I'm more frightened of staying in an unbearable situation.

I started taking action steps last week (and I stumbled, but that's what we do when we first find our legs, right?) and I am putting together several tasks for this weekend and next week (including calling FSBO's I have no real intention of pursuing).

I already know what failure tastes like (and it ain't rack of lamb, let me tell ya), but what if I succeed? What if..?

Will it be like walking on air?



Follow my Journey:

N.Carolina Doorknocking:

"This is me taking back control of my life...what the xoxo have you done lately?" ~Wesley Gibson, Wanted

Goals Up

It's almost not even fair how encouraging this site can I'm aiming high Smiling

Measureable goals:

** Complete two 5k assignments by the 3rd week of August.

** Acquire 1 rental property by the end of August.

** Incorporate by the end of 2010.

** Acquire 15 rental properties by the end of 2010.

I've got just 5, count 'em FIVE, months to get-er-done!



Follow my Journey:

N.Carolina Doorknocking:

"This is me taking back control of my life...what the xoxo have you done lately?" ~Wesley Gibson, Wanted

Congratulations!,,,for Hanging in there!

Sorry I've gotten to your site so late,,,I'm just learning where to go..and still have to learn how to get back to those I want to visit again..but I digress. You have a lofty plan..and by now I'm sure you've implemented the Action phase needed to be successful Keep us posted on your progress. I'll be looking foward to hearing if it feels like walking on air. Semper Fi. D-LO

Great Great Great Story ... Just Needs A Happy Ending

Hi Izzzzzz ~

You came over to my PROBATE PROFITS forum (thanks) and I've arrived now to "read your diary" (conjures up images of me sneaking in your room and finding it under your mattress ...) and support you if I can.

I think you are much further out of the starting gates than you realize, because you have such personality, a way with words, and charisma !!!!

And I detect that you have your laser pointed to a destination goal. Nothing left to do now but "go there" and get the souvenir t-shirt to prove it !!!!

There are many paths here at DG, needless to say. Some have been trampled into roads, others are still trails.

After some soul-searching, if PROBATES seems like an interesting place to start ... I think we'd be a hoot doing deals together. Or at least provide the comedy part to the "comedy of errors" in the beginning as we learn.

Whatever you decide, good luck !

I'm soooo...

...far behind on updating this and I'll get to it presently Eye-wink


Follow my Journey:

N.Carolina Doorknocking:

"This is me taking back control of my life...what the xoxo have you done lately?" ~Wesley Gibson, Wanted

Maybe you are flying instead of falling?

Watch your thoughts, They become Actions, Watch your Actions, They become Habits, Watch your Habits, They become Character, Watch your Character, It becomes your Destination.



Ok, so... deadline for one of my goals has come and gone Sad

I've emailed close to 40 Re/max realtors in the area and only got one nibble. No real bites yet, which is fine. There's atleast one investor-friendly-agent out here who's hungry...and when we meet, we're going to keep each other well fed.

Over the last month I've placed ads on craigslist to find buyers with zero responses. Going to try a different approach (something Elixbrown mentioned once...)

...I've put a little over 400 miles on my cousin's junker (so nice of him to loan it to me!) driving targeted neighborhoods. In that time I have found and done preliminary research on a dozen vacant properties and the letters went out, but no replies...time to widen the search: Probates and Expired Listings, I'm coming for you!!

I missed the local REI club meeting to be in on the SFL teleseminar, and I've decided to add acquiring it to my list of short term goals along with joining the Success Academy. This means I have no lack of motivation to keep my nose to the grindstone until I hit paydirt. Once I have SFL and academy coaches on my team, the sky's the limit.

Nothing else matters until I land my first assignments. From now on, I'm wearing Blinders to Everything else; Television has been a coping mechanism, so has going to the gym 6 days a week...I've decided to stop watching TV and cut back on the excercise and WORK THE PROBLEM. Plenty of time for that stuff later on.

After I post this I'm going to map another area to drive and blast some realtor emails.

This is going to work.


Follow my Journey:

N.Carolina Doorknocking:

"This is me taking back control of my life...what the xoxo have you done lately?" ~Wesley Gibson, Wanted

It's good to see you are

It's good to see you are doing things to reach your goals, but I want to be the first to tell that driving for dollars can be profitable if done correctly. If not then you are burning gas and your motivation. By driving 400 miles or even 150 miles and no responses for your efforts you need to evaluate your plan.

I would suggest for starters that you target one or two neighborhoods and map out how you are going to run your route. Follow your map precisely so you can track your steps.

Also since I like your hard working ethic, I would like to offer you the opportunity to piggy back off of one of my sites to help you attract agents. It's really a squeeze page that filters out agents so you don't have to do the seller yourself, plus it's free but will take a little of your time. It has worked for me and it can work for you too. PM me if youre interested.


Real Estate Bird Dog