Hello DG Family,
I am able to acquire high end credit cards ranging from 15K-100K. There is a fee for the cards and you can use a credit card to pay for it. Again, to think out of the box, you can cash advance out 50% of the card and the other half use for whatever you need to for your new venture. It is alot better then hardmoney where most still want you to put alot of money down. This process takes 5-6 weeks to receive. If you are interested PM me and I will be more than happy explain to you the process and all the questions you may have.
Lee Jon Sam Fong
In fact I think Dean mentioned we did that when he devoted Chap 12 to us,
Profit fom Real Estate book. We took a cash advance from Chase for about 80K;
bought the house for 71K; put 8K into rehab; sold it for 135K.
The convience checks that were sent were at .99% promo rate which helped make it even more attractive.