Help with coaching loan

Help with coaching loan

Hello, I just want some help/advice. I signed up last year for Dean's course and coaching last year because I was desperate to make money at home due to health problems. I gave it an honest shot for a couple of months ( I have another profile on here where I posted a lot, I just wanted to keep this anonymous), but I wasn't able to do any deals in that time. My fatigue got worse, and I just couldn't handle doing it any more. I called and asked if I could cancel and get my money back, but the lady I talked to was very rude and condescending, and told me I signed a contract. I tried to explain my health issues, but all she would do was lower my payments from $150 and month to $100. The total cost for the program was $4,000. I can't afford to pay the $2,500 I owe and don't know what I'm going to do. I can't work right now and don't have much savings left because of doctor visits. I'm not trying to put down Dean's coaching program, the coaches are all really helpful and it has really helped people. I'd still like to try wholesaling in the future, but I'm too tired right now. I'm just trying to heal. Dean seems like an understanding and compassionate person, so I think if he heard my case he would give me my money back. Can anyone help me or relay this to Dean? I'd really appreciate it. Thank you.


Find the strength

If I was you I would find the strength and set a 30 day plan to get your first deal done. I understand you have health issues but if your wholesaling you don't really need to leave your house to even get a deal down. Carol Stinson dean's student gets multiple deals done without leaving her house. You can do it, just believe in yourself. You said in your post your going to try and start back up wholesaling, change that mindset to your going to make this work and get your first deal done in X amount of time. Think about it if you do one wholesale deal for $5,000-$10,000, that one deal would pay what you owe for the coaching program. Plus you have Deans coaching to hold your hand. Hope this post helps you out and pushes you forward. Good luck


Reynold Orozco



Wishing you the best

Not really sure of your situation, but maybe you could try to do it completely from home. All the best!

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Ray26CT wrote:
If I was you I would find the strength and set a 30 day plan to get your first deal done. I understand you have health issues but if your wholesaling you don't really need to leave your house to even get a deal down. Carol Stinson dean's student gets multiple deals done without leaving her house. You can do it, just believe in yourself. You said in your post your going to try and start back up wholesaling, change that mindset to your going to make this work and get your first deal done in X amount of time. Think about it if you do one wholesale deal for $5,000-$10,000, that one deal would pay what you owe for the coaching program. Plus you have Deans coaching to hold your hand. Hope this post helps you out and pushes you forward. Good luck

I personally spent ALOT of time while healing from health issues to LEARN and NETWORK when I couldn't physically get out and about.


Mike Free tools

Fast Money

You can find opportunity doing real estate.

Maybe you are not completing a wholesale transaction. What about lease option like Randy Vaughn? Why not use hard money like many of us?

You will find that a lot of what happens in this business comes down to offers. How many offers have you made? You can very the style of the business you do but even if you do this and do not make any offers this business becomes impossible.

I would make a point that I suggest written offers not verbal offers, they don't count, they are not real.


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