

I understand the first thing to do is to create a buyers list. Once you find a buyers list how do you find a house for them? For some reason i cant find this out on the website.



You have to read the book profit from real estate right now! It explains several strategies. Like bandit signs, they are the best you can also send letters to absentee owners. Run ads in the paper saying we buy houses. But you must read the books to fully understand the complete strategy if you dont your cheating yourself

Other sources

Also they have a success academy on the site as well as several programs that can get you going on is called 30days to real estate cash but you have to do your homework thre is many opportunities out there for someone with no money or credit you just gotta do the legwork/homework to put yourself in a position to do it. Read read read...


You need to read all of Deans books. But you can go on the homepage , on your left side .Follow that down to STUDENT RESOURCES, click on the first one called
REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS SYSTEM.This will have FIND IT,LOCK IT UP, SELL IT.This should really help you .Hope this helps .Get the books though.

Curtis Fillers

Thanks guys. I am currently

Thanks guys. I am currently waiting on 30 days to real estate cash, cant wait to get it!

Hi Dale

Hi Dale

Here's a forum thread started by Elena M on Wholesaling Basics 101:


Welcome to DG . com! Smiling


Here's another one

It's kind of lengthy, but, it contains, in my opinion:

All the Questions a newbie can ask (from RE Agents to business cards to deals, it has been asked here (and answered!) - 30 Days Quick Cash Formula by Michelle

It will be a good read while you are waiting for your book.

Happy Investing! Smiling


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