Hello, my name is Carl Swantek and I am finally taking steps to invest in Real Estate. I chose Dean's organization because I sensed his honesty, real interest in the success of his students, and what he said during the infomercial made sense. I have been a long time wannabe (want-to-be) RE Investor. I have several friends that have been doing it for 7 years or more and all have been very successful. In spite of that it took me 7 years to actually take any action. My motivation is a likely loss of my job at HP after almost 29 years. Whether I stay at HP or leave I will be doing Real Estate.
I look forward to being able to learn from you, and to help you, once I know something.
Hope we all meet our goals, whatever they are. Best wishes for all your investments.
Carl, welcome to this family. You will do Great and Be Great. Forget about the 7 yrs at least your took some action and started. You can't ask for any better time then now. make the best of it and See You at the TOP!
Re: Welcome
Thanks Wayne, appreciate the welcome!