48 year old male, married, two kids, one in college, Same job for the past 25 years, mortgage, cars, motor home, pets, you know the "American Dream". Along with that comes a mountain of debt and in this economy the loss of about 30% of my income in the past year. Now my debt to income ratio is totally hosed up. On top of all of that a job I loved for a company that used to treat its employee's great has turned to the other style. Treating employees as tools and nothing more, laying off senior and aging members of the work force in an effort to cut payroll. It has added to an already stressful time for my wife and I. We are trying to survive and are slipping more each week into the abyss of bankruptcy. Not to mention feeling trapped in our current situation. I make too much money to find the same level of income with another company. I have many years of experience and skill but only high school and military training. No college degree and no chance to make this kind of money anywhere else. Trapped like a rat on a ship is how I feel.
I saw Dean's show and decided this guy is speaking in realistic terms. He's not talking like those other guys I've seen on TV, he's talking to me I guess. He really got me when he said, "$7,000.00 may not seem like a lot of money in 6 weeks but how much difference could that make in your life?" I was on the phone minutes later and have read about have of the Profit from Real Estate RIGHT NOW. I think a lot of it makes sense but still don't see how someone in my financial situation can do this. Maybe that will come later but for me I'm not sure this will work. I guess I'm so far in that abyss that I don't think this will be my way out either. I am trying to stay positive but am honestly scared that I can't do this. My wife so far says that she is not smart enough to do this. That leaves it all on me...not sure I can do it. This is a short synopses of my situation, I'm sure I'm not alone in this and that is part of the reason I posted it. I'm hoping to get some answers here and find others like me that can help. My dream is to be free of debt. Get out of a job where my income is dependent on the whim of my employer. To have more time for my wife and I to spend traveling and enjoying our lives.