Insider's Financial 3 day seminar?

Just curious if any of you have heard of Insider's Financial and the 3 day seminar that they are trying to sell for $1997.00? I just went to what I thought was going to be an educational session today in Flint, MI. The speaker basically gave an hour and half sales pitch on buying a 3 Day seminar that was going to show us on how to find great deals and use their money for financing. This all sounded good to me but when he mentioned the price of this 3 day event, everything kinda went real quick from there. There was a room full of 150 people and they quickly state that they only have 14 openings for a get your money back refund opportunity. The rest of the people were going to pay full price. It seemed real "carnival" like and I felt that they were artificially creating demand and they wanted people to just make a quick decision to buy their 3 day event. I was extremely turned off. I have the money to go, but I felt that the speaker was talking too fast and people around me were just getting worked up. I am not even sure if Dean really is associated with this group. Let me know what you all think.
