Weekly Wisdom #184 - Logical Decisions

I believe that there is some truth in what dean is saying in this blog. Thanks for the Push!!!

I'm emotionally spent- but Thanks Dean for the energy!

I need your energy Dean. Like laughter, hopefully your energy could be contagious to me. I am in sore straits right now. I have been out of work going on 3 years. My emotions, my lack of confidence, and "age" discrimination is what I'm dealing with in the job market. I'm 57, and most companies do not want to hire someone my age. But despite all this, I need to get out of my downward spiral of a rut and climb out to a better life. Your books inspire, yet scare me, as I lack confidence that I can do this. It would be wonderful to receive your newest "Totally Fulfilled". Maybe it will help me with my mindset. I do want to do better for myself. I want to thank you for your video blogs. They really can give a boost to people like myself when no one believes in them, including corporate america. Keep up the good work that you do for all.

Let's Get It Started

I am so excited and a whole lot of other emotions. I look forward to the session in Dallas.