I am a person who is incredibly hard working, and I take great pride in a job well done. I have always been the "black sheep" of my family, because I have the entrepreneurial spirit...everyone else sticks to the "safe, normal" job route. I currently work in a manufacturing environment, and finished my Bachelor's Degree while working a rotating shift and working an average of 60hrs a week.
Throughout my career I have grown increasingly jaded and frustrated at the "you are just a number" mentality from working for someone. I am so excited about the potential in the real estate market, and the knowledge Dean has provided with his books - not to mention the phenomenal help this site provides. Words cannot express how grateful I am to Dean for his unselfishness in sharing this concept with us.
I intend to take knowledge, action and then hopefully be able to teach as I grow on this journey I have started...and I hope anyone that sees my profile will join me on the path to independent wealth!
As Jedi Master Yoda once said: "DO or DO NOT...there is no TRY!"
I intend to DO