Hi I'm John and I like to think of myself as an aggressive, positive, dreamer. I was first introduced to Dean's book "Be a Real Estate Millionaire" in 2008, which led me to this site. However, after a few highly energized weeks of experiencing "this real estate thing" and having a parallel of successful moves at my new "J.O.B.", I decided to put the real estate investing on the back burner for a while...
FIVE YEARS LATER (how time flies); I have decided that NOW is the time to get off the virtual sidelines and into the Real Estate Game. I think that is a good description of my time from then to now, because I never left the arena. I have been a consistent visitor to this site as well as staying up on the real estate conditions, both nationally and locally. However, I’ve been watching from the sidelines and not participating. Instead of imagining where I could be now if I had stayed in the game five years ago, I’m going to focus on the future and imagine where I’ll be five years from now because I decided to get in and stay in the game today.
So what is driving me now to FINALLY do something? Fear and Faith. The fear of never being able to give my family and friends the kind of support and experiences they deserve and the FAITH that God has never let me walk my journey alone.
Thanks for those DG Family members that welcomed and offered their support to me in 2008 and thank you in advance to those who will undoubtedly welcome me back with open arms and positive moral support.
Let’s make it happen!!!
Hello from Las Vegas
Hi John
How is the real estate investing going?