Question for bird dogs

Question for bird dogs


I am a newbie and have found a great HUD property with amazing return potential. However, I am told that HUD does not really like to do the bait and switch of doing an assignment so I figure I would contact some buyers to let them know of this home for a finder's fee. How do I give them the information and be sure that they will give me a finder's fee for it?



What you could do is send

What you could do is send them pics of the property, name of the street-city-state no #s and the FMV,ARV,Cost Of Repairs etc and see if they're interested. You're going to let them know that you're charging a finders fee. If they're interested, they will contact you for the # for the address...e.g. (123) Main St. That's when you let them sign a finders fee contract before you give them the #(123) to the address. Hope that helps.



"A Winner Never Quit And A Quitter Never Win!"


Thank you D'Angelo!!!!

Be careful though...

Hi Fellow DGer,

Just be careful when sending the street name. There are searches out there that will actually allow you to type in the name of a street and it will tell you if there are any properties on that street for sale.

Yours in success,



I'm a newbie as well. The only thing I can add is to give up enough to keep them interested as stated, but, leave something out to make it necessary for them to contact you ( to get your finder's fee contract signed). Give a part of town maybe.



Don Angelo wrote:
What you could do is send them pics of the property, name of the street-city-state no #s and the FMV,ARV,Cost Of Repairs etc and see if they're interested

I would suggest you send a pic of the house from an angle where you are showing multiple homes

Don't tell the street name, just give description of home. If they are interested and want to see after signing finders fee agreement, set up an appointment to see the place and meet them two blocks away from property so that when you go to see property you go together and if there is an agent involved, let them know your situation. It might not fully protect you, but it helps


So, I emailed out some information on the property to a few buyers and at the end I added the following:

"I have not contracted this property, so you could potentially get a better price. I only ask for a $1500 finder's fee agreement. If this is agreeable please reply for additional details about the property."

What do you guys think? Should I have approached this differently?

Thanks for your advice,

You guys may be right about

You guys may be right about giving the name of the street but the reason I said that is because the last property that I had under a finders fee agreement, I gave my buyers list the name of the street-city-state and they all came back to me asking for the # to the actually address. I did the same thing on CL and Kijiji and I got the same response, everyone wanted to now the actual # to the address...just my 2 cents.


"A Winner Never Quit And A Quitter Never Win!"

After you get a reply send

out a finder fee contract to all those interested. Once you get them to sign it then reveal the address to them. If they sign it then you know they are highly motivated buyers, then put them into your buyers list database or spreadsheet and start looking for more properties right away that you can lock up under contract and do an assignment on.


HUD homes require you to bid via sealed bid. They have certain realtors they contract with to assist in the liquidation/sale of the properties in their inventory.

They will tell you what needs to be done and what it will cost, based upon estimates they have recieved.

You will need to provide a POF letter and they will not allow you to assign a deal. You will have to buy it first and then resell.

How I read this

TT-0 wrote:
So, I emailed out some information on the property to a few buyers and at the end I added the following:

"I have not contracted this property, so you could potentially get a better price. I only ask for a $1500 finder's fee agreement. If this is agreeable please reply for additional details about the property."

What do you guys think? Should I have approached this differently?

Thanks for your advice,

this guys a rookie, i'm sure I can get him to trust me enough to get the address from him and will lowball to $250. Even if he has a contract on it, i'll get the house from him since he's so green he'll just be ****ed and move on.

Talk about only what you have and that your normal fee is $2500 but you'll take $1500 just to make this deal close in one week. Why would mention the possibility of doing better NOT working with me???

Thats like saying "you need to eat at my restaurant even though my food isn't as good as Ron's and its more expensive."

Hope it helps

fbird dogging

great fimiliar with all of it and even the assigns. how the heck do you find the investers buyers. come on no one answers that!

finding buyers

go to the search box on the site and type in 80 ways to build a buyers list. I believe they listed more than 80 but its very helpful.

hope that helps

God Bless


"...Be strong and courageous, and do it. Fear not, be not dismayed, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail or forsake you until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord"
1 Chronicles 28:20

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