Just curious about each person handles this, but how do you evaluate things on a house that arent openly seen at first glance? I dont mean cosmetics....
Im talking about foundation, electric, wiring, gas, pipes, plumbing, hot water heater, a.c., heat, roofing, etc, etc. How do you go about seeing that these things are great, good, passable, needs fixing? Do u have a "handyman" that evaluates all this for you? Do you do it yourself? Do you put out a few hundred each house that you're interested in for appraisal n inspections? How is this done most accurately and least costly? How do you do it?
that's what the inspection contingency if for. First getting the property accepted "DEEPLY" discounted and during due diligence you hire the professionals to to overturn all the rocks (so to speak). To identify exactly what you are buying and getting into.
Don't pay for an inspection until you have an accepted offer, sign accept and deposit earnest money.
If you're wholesaling, your buyer will have the property inspected.
If it's more involved than initially figured, you can either negotiate a lower price, if you have room can still move forward in-spite of or utilize the contingency and pull out