Totally Overwhelmed

Totally Overwhelmed

Ok I am totally overwhelmed at this point. I live in Southeast Michigan and it is an economic mess here. NO ONE TRUSTS ANYONE. Fact is I need help. I have bad credit with a debt ratio that is too high and although I work, I have no money to work with. I was thinking assignments and/or finders fees to get off the ground. I have been thinking about doing this a long time now I have made the committment so I will take all the help I can get.


You're on the right track.

You're on the right track. Doing assignment and/or finders fee is the best way to get off the ground when you have no money and not so good credit. Good Luck.



"A Winner Never Quit And A Quitter Never Win!"

You're on the right track.


Here is my issue. I live in Southeast Michigan and no one here trusts anyone. I have no idea where to start and so far I have no realtors willing to help. I have driven around and found some houses for sale by owner but not sure what to do next. I need help.

You need to speak to the

You need to speak to the owners and find out the reason why they are selling. Let them know that you can help them to get their property sold for cash. If they agree for you to help them, then do your due diligence and come to some agree on the asking price. Then you want to have them sign your contracts, giving you the rights to hand off their property to 1 of your cash investors/buyers. Hope that helps.



"A Winner Never Quit And A Quitter Never Win!"


Its kind of hard to help if I don't know were you are at. I mean are you a member of the success acamandy, Do you use the hot line and coaches and if not how many of DEANS books have you read and how many times. Let me know than I will know were to start.




d'angelo said it call the for sale by owner and findout his MAGIC BUTTONS for selling LISTEN to what they have to say and start a list of sellers and all the info.who knows they may have other properties for sale or rent to own or family or friends that also have assignment may be your strategy or u could send the info to carol stinson and she could work her national buyers list .there are 1000 ways to get going you just need to pick one and do it .the ways are on this site. i am not saying it is easy but just want you to know if you are in the game things WILL begin to happen for as many posts as u can and ask MANY questions here and implement them as much as u can.not every idea is up your allet but maybe one of the many u get here will help randy says let us know where u r at and we can be more of a help to you.
also u said no-one trusts anyone there if u have not reaD DEANS totally fullfilled book esp chapter 18 he says "for the few times you may have been taken advantage of for giving all of you,you have recieved twenty times more good in your life" this book is AWESOME and a must read for anyone!!

patience is als key,i know it is easy to get overwhelmed esp with all the knowledge thrown at one at one time but take 1 step at a time it will come if u have the determination and MINDSET to make it happen no matter what !!
to your success


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